Love Hopes All Things

Lamentations 3:24 says, “The Lord is my portion…therefore I hope in Him.” What did you learn this week about the Lord being your portion?

Andres T. – This week, the Lord walked me through a time of learning about how since He is my portion, I can hope in Him fully through any circumstance. This means that our God is everything that we need. He fully can and will sustain us despite what we think we need. I learned that when we believe this and apply it to our lives, we can live a life where we are constantly, abundantly satisfied through having Christ with us forever. 

Charlene D. – This week I learned that the Lord is all I need, He is my portion, and He is all the nutrients I need. My Father is aware of my needs, and takes care of them, He’s always here to spend time with me, and He defends me from attackers. He leads me where I need to go, and when I’m untrusting and afraid of where He’s leading me, and when I try to run from Him, He chases after me. He longsuffers with me, He finds me, comforts me, and brings me back to where He wants to lead me. He is enough, sufficient, and He satisfies completely. 

Jared R. – My Lord Jesus is the only person and thing I will ever need in my life to fulfill my every need and desire I have on this earth. As Lamentation 3:24 says, “Therefore I hope in Him,” and this week when placing my hope in the Lord I was able to see Him work through the Spirit in me, in my heart, and see how when I hope in Him as my portion that He will satisfy our every desire as He promises in His Word. I can rest confidently in His character because He is the Good Shepherd; He knows me perfectly and He knows what I need and He will come through to provide everything I will need in His perfect timing. I only need to trust in His loving character throughout my life, and that He is a faithful and sovereign God! 

Leigh Anne Z. – This week I learned that because the Lord is my portion I don’t need to look to anything or anyone else in this world to give me hope. I learned that even when I come to the absolute end of myself (emotionally, physically and mentally), He is enough and His love sustains me. God is my portion in the midst of deep brokenness, He gives me everything I need to persevere and make it to the other side of the storm. For God to be my portion means that I am never in lack when I am in communion with Him, so it’s crucial that I purpose to spend time with Him even when He seems so far away and I don’t “feel” Him. 

Neil C. – God’s plan for me is even better and more than I could ever think of, but often I do not trust in Him. I often run from Him not knowing that He can give to me abundantly all that I could ever need. He wants me to rely on Him in all situations, there is no material thing that He cannot provide, but He also provides the things that I need spiritually. I am His and there is no better place to be than in His loving care. 

Sophia P. – This week I learned that with the Lord as my portion I shall not want, I am lacking nothing. I saw how important it is to keep Him first in my thoughts so that everything else lines up with His will and His ways. It can be so easy to make a situation worse than it has to be through seeing your own strength or virtue as your portion. If I draw strength of myself, I’m not going very far without confusion and weariness. The Lord alone is my portion. 

Zachary G. – This week I continued to learn how the Lord is my perfect portion. Even if everything else is taken away, I can hope in Him.  When I do, He is more than willing to give “exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us” (Colossians  Because of His abundant grace I can live a life of vulnerability and faith in Him as my Good Shepherd.
