
Apostolos (ap-os’-tol-os) – a messenger, one sent on a mission. In Acts 1:8, Jesus promises the disciples that they will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon them. What have you learned this week about the power of the Holy Spirit?

Andres T. – This week, I have been able to learn how I can fully rely on the Spirit. I have been given a power in which I can trust in, and which will constantly guide and support us in my walk of faith. The Spirit is there to help me, and I have direct access to Him and can be in constant communion and communication with Him. He will consistently empower me to do the Lord’s work.

Charlene D. – This week I’ve learned that I need the help of the Holy Spirit to understand the Bible. Without Him residing in me, I cannot be transformed by His Word. By the Holy Spirit reigning in my heart, He guides me in my Christian walk and gives me visions and desires for my life and ministry. The Holy Spirit also has the power to give me gifts that I can use to minister to and love others, and for the glory of God.

Jared R. – The power of the Spirit is endless in His abilities. I came to learn more about the Holy Spirit and His power so much more this week than I ever have in my life up to this point, and it was super sweet to learn more about the Spirit specifically this week. By His power is the only way I’m able to do anything in life as a believer. I can now have confidence in the power of the Holy Spirit to carry me through seasons of life where I may grow weary, when I have no strength or energy to give, that I may rely solely on His Spirit.

Leigh Anne Z. – This week I learned how naturally the Holy Spirit moves when I surrender my anxieties and trust Him to work out every detail. I can spend so much time in my head, stressing myself out trying to figure every little thing out. When I let go and let God, He takes care of it all and in return blesses me with so much peace and joy. Things that seem out of capabilty are no longer impossible when I am surrendered to the Spirit.

Neil C. – There is power in the Holy Spirit. The Word says that it is not by my might nor by my power, but by His Holy Spirit. It is not in my own strength, it is not in myself. This is the power that I have to equip myself to be the messenger on a mission that Jesus has called me to be, this is how I can be a witness of Jesus Christ.

Sophia P. – This week the Holy Spirit became so much more personal and so much more powerful to me than ever before. I had never really known much about the Holy Spirit, just that He was given to me by Jesus. I’m beginning to realize how extraordinary that is. Jesus sent me a Helper, His own Spirit. That’s pretty incredible! It’s comforting to know that I have the Spirit of Jesus Christ residing in me, I have zero reason to fear or back down.

Zachary G. – This week I have learned how important it is to remember who the gifts and ministries in my life come from. The gifts and things He has given me to do are from Him and can only be done through Him. If I forget that it is so easy for ministry to become discouraging and overwhelming. However, by remembering that He has given the gifts to do them in His power, I can enjoy doing them.
